Devon Job Clubs

Devon Job Clubs that we know could help you

Devon County Council have created a list of services available in addition to those below and can be found on this link - FIND A WORK CLUB



North Devon Employment Hub

  • We have recently opened Hubs in Barnstaple, Ilfracombe and South Molton. We are on the first floor of Barnstaple Library and open Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 4:30. In Ilfracombe on a Wednesday (outreach) and Skate Molton the 1st Thursday of the month. We can work with anyone aged 16+ living within the North Devon area who would like help looking for employment and training. We are a completely free service that is a joint venture between NDC and DCC.

    We can help with:

    • Raising aspirations and confidence building.
    • CV writing and supporting letters.
    • Support with job and course searching.
    • Writing applications.
    • Preparing for interviews.
    • Apprenticeship advice.
    • Career planning.
    • Volunteering opportunities.
    • Supported Internships.
    • Supported Employment.
    • Maths and English Functional skills.
    • Free online short courses.
    • Self-employment


  • Work Club at the Ockment Centre, North Street, EX20 1AR. Each Wednesday 9.30- 12.30pm. 01837 53276. Visit thier website



  • Work Club at St. Sidwells Centre, Sidwell Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 6NN taking place each Thursday 2pm-5pm. 01392 666222



  • Glenorchy Church Hall, Exeter Road, Exmouth. This is a voluntary organisation, with only one part-time paid Co-ordinator – the others are volunteers. You will find a relaxed, friendly and unpressurised welcome here.



  • Work clubs are a new service aimed at helping people get back into work, and supporting those looking for their first job. The 2 hour sessions, often run in partnership with other agencies include advice on CV writing, interview techniques, volunteering opportunities and assistance with online application form. They provide computer access in order to search for vacancies and improve your basic IT skills. 01803 832502. Visit thier website



  • Vineyard Church, New Hall Offices, Barrington Street, Tiverton. 01884 369120 Visit